Caribbean Premier League
Brian Lara Stadium


19.64FOUR! Good length from Jordan, pitching outside off stump. Simmonds gets on the front foot and plays a flick for 4 runs back behind square.
19.5WOUT! Jordan gets the wicket! Yorker, on a good line. Maharaj gets on the front foot but makes no contact while attempting a drive, the ball gets through, and Maharaj is bowled
19.4.Good length, outside off once more. Maharaj gets on the front foot and defends
19.31Length ball, outside off. Naveen-ul-Haq moves onto the front foot and punches a drive for one run through the off side.
19.2.On a good length, outside off stump. Naveen-ul-Haq gets on the front foot and punches a drive
19.11On a good line and length from Jordan. Maharaj gets on the front foot and glances for 1 run.
18.6.Good length, pitching outside off stump once again. Naveen-ul-Haq gets on the front foot but swings and misses while trying a sweep
18.5WOUT! Hinds gets the wicket! Length ball, outside off. Theekshana gets on the back foot and drives, but is spectacularly caught by Russell on the off side.
18.41Full toss, pitching outside off. Maharaj gets forward and punches a drive for a run through the off side.
18.3WOUT! Hinds breaks through! Good length from Hinds, pitching outside off stump once more. Powell pushes forward and outside edges, and is caught by Pooran
18.2.Full toss, outside off stump. Powell goes back and pulls
18.1.Good length from Hinds, outside off stump again. Theekshana pushes forward but swings and misses while attempting a drive
17.6.Short of a length, outside off. Theekshana steps back and slices a late cut back behind point for a single run.
17.5.Back of a length from Jordan, pitching outside leg stump and angling across Theekshana. He steps away but misses while attempting a cut
17.4.Pitched up, outside off stump again. Theekshana goes back but misses while attempting to play a cut
17.3WOUT! Jordan breaks through! Full toss, outside off stump. Holder moves onto the front foot and eases a drive, but is caught by Pollard down the ground.
17.21On a good line and length. Powell goes back and glances for 1 run.
17.11Length ball, outside off stump again. Holder moves onto the back foot and punches a drive down the ground for a single run.
16.66MAXIMUM! Good length from Hinds, pitching outside off stump. Powell gets forward and pulls for a half dozen runs.
16.51Hinds now coming over the wicket to Holder. Good length from Hinds, outside off stump once more. Holder rocks back and guides a cut for a single run.